Friday, March 21, 2008

5 Reasons Why the Federal Reserve is a Failure!

No single quasi-private institution has as much influence on the worldwide economy as the Fed, and as a leader can head this institution for an indefinite term, no one man is as influential on the markets as the Fed Chair.

The Dollar has plummeted in the currency markets and shows few signs of recovery or even stabilization. The new style and policies that accompanied Bernanke into office have made the Forex markets more volatile than ever and even more difficult to predict. An examination of what has gone awry can help Forex traders understand this new era at the Fed.

1. The Fed ignored the signs

2. The Fed did too little too late

3. The Fed kept interest rates too low for too long

4. The Fed’s view of inflation is flawed

5. The Fed gives gold stars to those deserving detentions


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